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The Farm stand is open all the time.

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All year long we harvest whatever the garden is producing.
In the winter, we may have hardy greens in the high tunnel. Throughout the growing season, we have a wide range of vegetables, greens, root crops and berries. We are still learning the growing habits of this area so help us out by letting us know what you want what does well in this area.
Check Facebook for updates on what's growing and available at any given time. 




Currently we have Kate's pottery available. These are pieces she's made previously but she can also make similar commissioned work. Check back for more or contact us for suggestions.


Also stay tuned for other crafts that will show up once we have more time. These are likely to include Kate's lifelong hobbies such as knitting and tie-dying as well as upcycled items such as cat beds made from old sweatshirts and whatever wacky ideas we have. 




We have both a puzzle exchange and a gift exchange that work the same way. You take items you wish to use and, if you have something to exchange, you leave it. Simple as that. No need to stress if you can't leave something when you pick up, you'll fill it in another time. 



Our little free library is another exchange available at all times the farm stand is open. We have plenty of books in a wide range of genres including some audiobooks and periodicals. Stop by and pick up whatever interests you. If you leave books, please either put them on the labeled shelves or leave them in a neat pile on a table so we can sort them into the correct locations. 

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